Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Amazing Architecture

Amazing Architecture
 Those architectures are beautiful, they looks strange but also are very creative and value. Barcelona looks beautiful with those. They are cool, amazing, weird, beautiful, you may call those as you want but you must agree that those buildings are genius and remarkable.

Egyptian military performs 'virginity tests'

Egyptian military performs 'virginity tests'
Egyptian military performs 'virginity tests'. Egypt women protesters forced to take 'virginity tests'. A leading rights group says the Egyptian army arrested, tortured and forced women to take "virginity tests" during protests earlier this month.

Amnesty International is calling on the authorities in Cairo to investigate.

It says at least 18 female protesters were arrested after army officers cleared Tahrir Square on 9 March.

It says they were then beaten, given electric shocks and strip searched.
The army denies the allegations.
'Utterly unacceptable'

A 20-year-old woman, Salwa Hosseini, told Amnesty she was forced to take off all her clothes by a female prison guard in a room with open doors and a window.
She said that male soldiers looked in and took photographs of her while she was naked.

The demonstrator said a man in a white coat later carried out a 'virginity check' on her and she was threatened with prostitution charges.

"Forcing women to have 'virginity tests' is utterly unacceptable. Its purpose is to degrade women because they are women," a spokesperson for Amnesty International said in a statement.

"Women and girls must be able to express their views on the future of Egypt without being detained, tortured, or subjected to profoundly degrading and discriminatory treatment."

Egypt's military has been criticised by activists for detaining people involved in the mass protests and abusing them.

The military denies using torture against civilians.

Last week, the head of the military police told an Egyptian newspaper that video footage had been fabricated by individuals wanting to create divisions between the people and the armed forces.

Human rights groups have also criticised Egypt's new rulers for continuing to put civilians on trial before military courts. They say these have a track record of unfair trials and severely restrict the right to appeal.

Reporting on the military in Egypt is difficult. A law passed in 1956 prevents writing about the army.


moby britney spears

Moby Has Crush on Britney Spears

Moby has developed an unlikely crush on Britney Spears, the Sun reports.

The hip electronica artist said he'd marry the former megastar and tabloid target "in a heartbeat."

"She's like this Tennessee Williams tragic figure," he said, according to the Sun. "The fatter she gets, the weirder she gets, the more I love her. I found her moderately appealing in the late '90s, but now I would marry her in a heartbeat."

James Spears was named co-conservator of his daughter's estate Feb. 1 after she was twice hospitalized in a psychiatric facility. Conservatorships are granted for people deemed unable to take care of themselves or their affairs.

She has since shown signs of improvement, appearing successfully on the CBS sitcom "How I Met Your Mother." Her ex-husband, Kevin Federline, has custody of their two young sons.

William & Kate's have busy plans in US, Canada

William & Kate's have busy plans in US, Canada
William & Kate's have busy plans in US, Canada. Planning for any Royal tour is detailed, to say the least. But the input Prince William and Kate are having on the schedule for their first overseas tour as a married couple is said to be extraordinary.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are leaving little to Royal flunkies and Government administrators – instead both are involved in just about every aspect of the planning.

They leave for Canada on June 30 on a much-anticipated visit that will be followed by a trip to the US, where ‘A’ list celebrities in Los Angeles are already falling over themselves to get the hottest tickets in town.

The result of William and Kate’s planning will be revealed in more detail by St James Palace this Monday. Reporters have received a background briefing already, but the finer details are embargoed.
What’s certain is that the Royal couple wish for the visit to reflect their interests and age. That will ensure William is able to represent the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), of which he is president, in Hollywood when they move to the US leg of their tour on July 8.

There is even talk of a cricket match and tea party to promote the UK.

It is also being reported that Kate had asked that they work in a trip to Prince Edward Island during the Canadian leg of their tour. Tourism officers there can hardly containing their excitement over claims the Anne of Green Gables novel may have inspired William and Kate’s trip to the province this summer.

“We do hope that Kate is a big Anne fan, that there is some truth to that,” said Brenda Gallant, marketing director for the P.E.I. Department of Tourism.

“It would be exciting to have her here to experience the beauty of the Island as Lucy Maud Montgomery saw it.”
With all the details set to be revealed shortly, there is still plenty of work to do, especially for Kate. With the world’s eyes on her, there will be fevered coverage of what she wears.

With that in mind, she has been busy putting together a wardrobe to wow Canada and the US.

She is expected to be putting together at least 40 outfits to ensure she has something for every possible occasion.

A former Palace aide said: “A first Royal tour places immense pressure on a young bride because everyone is keen to know what the blueprint will be for her life as a Duchess: whether she has a lady in waiting, or a stylist.”

The Palace insists Kate is yet to decide if she wants to take a stylist. If not, then she will have equerries and ladies-in-waiting who will be helping out.

“On tour you cannot iron all your own clothes, don’t have time to unpack, can’t hold all the flowers you are handed and, most importantly, need someone to start chatting in a crowded room,” the insider added.

Both William and Kate have links with Canada. It was there that Prince Charles took his two sons for a vacation after the death of Diana, the Princess of Wales. While Kate has family ties – her late grandfather served as a trainee bomber pilot close to Calgary during World War II.

If, as expected, they visit French-speaking Quebec, William will have no problem impressing with his near-fluent French. However, it is believed Kate has been trying to brush up on her French.


'Basketball Wives' drama-filled season premiere

Basketball Wives' drama-filled season premiere

'Basketball Wives' drama-filled season premiere

The season premiere of "Basketball Wives" started off with plenty of drama. Evelyn Lozada created T-shirts with a slogan from last season and was threatened with a lawsuit. New wife Meeka Claxton was also added to the cast.

PBS site is hacked with Tupac story

PBS Hacked, Claims 'Tupac Alive' In New Zealand

A report is spreading quickly on Facebook and Twitter that famed rapper Tupac Shakur is shockingly "alive and well" in New Zealand, 15 years after he died.

This is of course false. Tupac died in Las Vegas in 1996. But the link that is circulating, a PBS Web story, looks entirely legitimate, fueling the rumor.

PBS has been hacked

PBS NewsHour online engagement staffer Teresa Gorman has spent much of her holiday Sunday night replying to folks on Twitter, telling them the report is false and PBS has been hacked.

The Lulz Boat has claimed responsibility. Not only has it posted the "Tupac Alive" Web update to the PBS site, but on Twitter it posted information for staffers, the PBS network, and password info for PBS stations.

According to Secure Business Intelligence, LulzSec has attacked several high-profile organizations in the last month, although it is known to hack for "entertainment and infamy," rather than financial gain.

The report on PBS NewsHour "The Rundown" carries the headline "Tupac still alive in New Zealand" with a timestamp of May 29, 2011 at 11:30 PM EDT. It includes a picture of Tupac and as of 1 a.m. Monday morning, it was still live on the PBS site.

barbara sinatra lady blue eyes

`Lady Blue Eyes' — Sinatra's wife tells it her way

"Lady Blue Eyes: My Life With Frank" , by Barbara Sinatra: In her memoir, the widow of Frank Sinatra tells it her way, adding a unique perspective to the history of one of entertainment's greats.

By now, the self-centered if often generous nature of Sinatra is as well-known as his unequaled voice. What's fascinating about "Lady Blue Eyes" is how Barbara Sinatra turns to love, admiration and denial in explaining her place at Frank's side.

From her youth in the Midwest to her days as a model and showgirl, Barbara Blakeley longed for a well-heeled life of excitement. In her telling, it was Sinatra, then in his mid-50s, who initiated their affair. Soon, she was Frank's companion — marriage would be years away — and her husband at the time the second unfaithful spouse she had left for a more successful man.

Little love notes and rather large jewels were part of the good times with Sinatra. While she tends to excuse the darker moments in their three decades together, Barbara accepts that Frank's inner demons came with the glitter and glamour.

When Sinatra hurled a brass clock into a wall during a game of charades, she considered it part of his "dangerous" charm. He berated a female columnist who brought up their adultery — for good measure he stuffed two dollar bills in the woman's glass — but Barbara saw his actions as exciting, and a loving defense of her. Friends waited by the phone to see if and when he desired their company, a routine she seems to shrug off.

Her life revolved around his, and that was fine with her. At his behest she quit smoking — he thought it unfeminine — but he never gave up his unfiltered Camels. She quickly learned what those close to him already knew: When Frank was drunk, which was not infrequent, it was best to disappear.

Her version of events, such as why Sinatra kept performing far beyond his prime, at times clashes with those of others. "Frankophiles" will debate whether she was as selfless and dutiful as she appears in these pages.

One image is as chilling as it is sad: Sinatra, on the day he died, sitting in a wheelchair poolside at their Beverly Hills, Calif., home, suffering from heart and lung ailments and memory loss, a half-eaten grilled cheese sandwich on his plate.
Source: yahoo

Pearl Jam star to release ukulele album

Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder to release ukulele album

Pearl Jam's lead singer, Eddie Vedder, will be releasing an album of ukulele tunes.

The album is called "Ukulele Songs." It features a collection of original and cover songs all played by Vedder on the ukulele.

The album will be released May 31.

"Longing to Belong," the first single off the ukulele album was released Tuesday.

Pearl Jam will also release a live concert DVD "Water on the Road" on May 31.

famous may birthdays celebrities

famous may birthdays celebrities

 famous may birthdays. Here is the list of famouse celebritirs how enjoy their burthdays on May 2011

 May 1, 1967 - Tim McGraw, musician
 May 2, 1972 - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, professional wrestler and actor
 May 3, 1978 - Christina Hendricks, actress
 May 4, 1979 - Lance Bass, singer
 May 5, 1988 - Adele, singer
 May 6, 1961 - George Clooney, actor
 May 7, 1962 - Robbie Knievel, daredevil
 May 8, 1975 - Enrique Iglesias, singer
 May 9, 1979 - Rosario Dawson, actress
 May 10, 1965 - Linda Evangelista, model
 May 11, 1932 - Valentino [Garavani], fashion designer
 May 12, 1968 - Tony Hawk, skateboarder
 May 13, 1964 - Stephen Colbert, comedian and actor
 May 14, 1969 - Cate Blanchett, actress
 May 15, 1969 - Emmitt Smith, American football player
 May 16, 1986 - Megan Fox, actress
 May 17, 1965 - Trent Reznor, musician
 May 18, 1970 - Tina Fey, writer/actress
 May 19, 1945 - Peter Townshend, musican and composer
 May 20, 1946 - Cher, singer and actress
 May 21, 1952 - Mr T, [Lawrence Tero], actor
 May 22, 1970 - Naomi Campbell, model and actress

 May 24, 1965 - John C. Reilly, actor
 May 25, 1969 - Anne Heche, actress
 May 26, 1966 - Helena Bonham Carter, actress
 May 27, 1975 - Jamie Oliver, chef
 May 28, 1968 - Kylie Minogue, musician
 May 29, 1958 - Annette Bening, actress
 May 30, 1974 - Cee-Lo, musician
May 31, 1965 - Brooke Shields, model/actress

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